Let' have a trip!

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Sturgis 2008

Trip to St. Tropez 2009

III Eurofestival , 3° occasione di viaggiare in costa azzurra, fuori dalle autostrade, lungo la litoranea, visitando paesaggi quasi irreali, capaci tutti gli anni di rinnovare emozioni uniche. Port Grimaud è ospitale, l'area attrezzata HOG bene organizzata. St. Tropez, però ha un'altro fascino !


Trip to Sturgis 2008

Sturgis Rally in South Dakota, in the second week of August  is really "The" Harley's event ! It's a dream, a way of getting the adventure feeling of a motorcycle ride through 3.000 km of amazing landscapes!

How could I forget being riding with thousand bikers all with the same spirit and having nothing else than enjoy the Rally ? Never got the feeling to be alone when you feel to be part of it. my dyna

Dyna Super Glide Sport

my harley davidson

 other pictures: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6
Celebration : Welcome back to the 80s

my e-mail : alberto@folcarelli.it

Torino (Italy), 9/11/2008